Nusantara Architecture
Study Center, FCEP
Universitas Trisakti
Our History
Center for Nusantara Architecture Studies was born on Friday, May 3, 2024 in the room of Doctoral Study Program, Building C, 1st Floor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Trisakti. The establishment of a new study center at FCEP was initiated by Dr. Ir. Hadi Prabowo, MT., the Dean of FTSP and Dr. Ir. Ar. Martinus Bambang Susetyarto, MT.,CIAR as a lecturer in the Nusantara Architecture History course in the Undergraduate Study Program, and the Traditional and Vernacular Architecture course in the Postgraduate Study Program.
FTSP aspires to go further in exploring knowledge about Nusantara Architecture, both in terms of architectural science and in terms of civil engineering science. With the existing potential and limitations, Center for Nusantara Architecture Studies was inaugurated which focuses on the development of civil engineering buildings and architectural buildings in humid tropical regions, in the natural and cultural landscape from the west coast of Madagascar to the eastern tip of Burma, in the heyday of their ancestors before 1800 .​
The concentration of this study center is on research and community service, related to the development of contemporary Nusantara Architecture processes and products. The aim of research topics and community service services is to find theoretical and practical knowledge about past, present, and future Nusantara architectural design, or craftsmanship skills that support the contemporary Nusantara architectural process, with support of a set of digital communication media and information technology.
This activity requires a budget that must be met in order to achieve important scientific findings, become valuable news/testimonials from indigenous communities, and as input to future generations and the world of architectural education in Indonesia today and in the future.
August 1st 2024
Website opening
We are finally opening our website to the world! We sincerely hope that this site can be the building block of support to a wider community of our cause.
August 17th 2024
Documentary release
We are proud to release the projects our partners and students have made. We hope that these type of contents can further promote awareness on neo-Nusantara architecture.
Planning future projects & research
We are currently planning more future projects and partnerships to promote a greater good on neo-Nusantara architecture.
To become a reliable Center for Nusantara Architecture Studies, part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, with international standards while still paying attention to local values ​​in the development of science, technology, art and culture in the fields of planning, design, and engineering of the built environment to improve the quality of life and civilization.
To enhance the role of the Center for Nusantara Architecture Studies, part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, we aim to produce graduates with intellectual, professional, independent, and entrepreneurial skills that meet international standards and embody the Trikrama Trisakti character.
This will be achieved through educational and teaching activities focused on planning, design, and engineering of the built environment. Additionally, we seek to boost research activities that develop science, technology, art, and culture based on local wisdom, addressing national issues and improving quality of life and civilization. We also aim to meet societal and industry needs through Community Service activities while increasing our commitment to and consistency in upholding good governance within the Faculty.
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, 11440
​Bumi Anggrek Jl. Karangsatria Blok L/61, Tambun, Bekasi, 17510
+62 813-3780-0768